This is the demo page for the dependency free symbolTyper library.

Type the following texts in the editable elements below, they should be replaced by their symbols according to this table :
Text replaced Symbol Limit Identifier
The symbols are rendered by the FontAwesome icon font.
You can test any icon font with the library as long as you have the symbols unicodes.
Browers supported : HTML5 browsers and IE >= 9.

Note : IE does not support this css font-family : 'Handlee', 'FontAwesome';.
You have to specify a single font : font-family : 'FontAwesome'; (to render the symbols).

Input element :

Textarea element :

Content editable element :

Type your
symbols here.

Single input element :

Active status :

Start typing symbols to see something changing here.
View the javascript source code for this demo.
View the required css.
Go back to the demo links.
Go to the github repository.
If it does'nt work : report an issue (do not call 911).
Also, more about these demo pages <- here.